Crystal Crawley (Ward) is a graduate of the Comedy Writing and Performance Program at Humber College in Toronto.
She spent a decade working in the Toronto TV industry with show credits on CTV/CBC/Discovery primarily as an Audience Coorinator, but frequently backfilled roles in other areas of production whenever the opportunity arose.
She pivoted away from the industry to pursue opportunities in the education, government and banking sectors with roles of Project Assistant, Executive Assistant, and Administrative Assistant before moving to London with her family in 2022 and settling back into her creative pursuits.
Her eclectic background and sense of humor make her a highly adaptable individual ready to roll with the punches and help make your production/project/event a success.
She is looking to develop her skills as an A.D & Producer but is also happy to be your best Production Assistant!
Crystal is also an actress/voice over talent (see alternate Film London profile).